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How To Remove Linoleum Glue From Concrete? (Step By Step Guide)

Building and decorating a house are exciting and fun because of the new look and feel of the environment. But when it is time to redecorate or change the look, it can be an exhausting DIY project to remove linoleum from a concrete floor. This is truer if there is stubborn glue under the linoleum flooring.

Many home improvement DIYers and decorators have no clue about removing linoleum glue from concrete. Sometimes, they put new carpeting or other types of flooring on top of the old glue because of how difficult it can be to remove. 

However, there are several methods of removing linoleum glue from concrete flooring, and this article explains them in simple steps. It will make your next renovation and decorating project much easier if you encounter linoleum on concrete flooring.

Understanding Linoleum

You may be better equipped to strip linoleum and accompanying adhesive or glue if you understand linoleum. And if you will use linoleum in the future, this knowledge may help you determine the best glue that will not be too difficult to remove when the time comes.

Linoleum is a popular type of floor covering that is primarily made of natural materials. Linseed oil, pine resins, cork powder, and wood flour top the list of natural materials used to make linoleum. This makes linoleum eco-friendly and easy to dispose of when necessary.

However, the manufacturing materials make linoleum extremely strong, durable, and resilient. While this resilience means the material can last for decades after installing it, it also means linoleum is difficult to remove. Once installed, you will have difficulty pulling the material off the floor. 

It takes a bit of effort and force to separate the layer from the floor, especially if it is on concrete flooring. Part of the reason is the glue used to hold the material to the floor. Fortunately, you can completely remove the glue after removing the linoleum material from the floor.

The good news is that removing old linoleum glue from concrete is not an expensive project. Sometimes, all you need is water and a scraper. Consider the following methods to remove the glue from the floor if you have difficulty.

Method 1: Use a Scraper

Use a Scraper

Scraping the floor is usually one of the most used methods of removing stubborn linoleum glue from concrete floors. All you need is a floor scraper; a small hand scraper can get the job done if you are willing to put in the effort.

Using a hand scraper may be tasking and will involve a lot of hard work. However, it is one of the most effective methods of removing linoleum glue from hard flooring, especially concrete. If you have a large portion of the concrete floor to scrape, it may be best to hire workers. 

Doing it alone may take many hours of backbreaking work. Besides, it may be a shoddy job if you are not used to such scraping. Using professional services may be ideal for this situation.

Method 2: Use Hot Water

However, if you must scrape the floor yourself and there is a large portion to cover, consider using hot water. Hot water will work at softening the glue after some minutes so that you do not spend too long removing it.

Step One

You will need a bucket of boiling water and a hand scraper. You can use room-temperature water for the same purpose, but you may not get the same result as using hot water. 

The softening process will take longer and even then, may not soften the glue as much as you would want. Therefore, using hot water is your best bet. 

Step Two

You may also need old towels or absorbent rags for this process. Lay the rags or towels over the portions of the floor with linoleum glue. Next, ensure they are completely covered before pouring hot water over the clothes. 

You don’t need to cover the floor with rags; you can pour the hot water directly over the glue. However, the rags serve the purpose of absorbing moisture and preventing the water from flowing away from the affected areas. 

The wet rags or towels over the glue will have a better impact because they will not quickly dry but will keep moistening the floor and softening the glue. 

Step Three

Keep the old towels or rags over the glued areas for about fifteen minutes. Then, uncover small sections and scrape the glue before uncovering the next one.

Method 3: Use a Heat Source

Use a Heat Source

We all have a portable heat source around the house. Some of us have a heat gun or steamer, while others have a hair dryer. A few even have a wallpaper steamer. Whichever similar heat source you have will do as long as you follow the steps.

However, if you do not have one, you can easily visit a local hardware store or any store to buy a heat gun. It should not be an expensive purchase, but having such an accessory at home is crucial for emergencies.

Step One

If you already have the linoleum material off the concrete flooring, go to the work area with the heat gun, hair dryer, or steamer. Channel the heat directly on the portions of the floor where there is linoleum glue and ensure you set it to a high point. 

Step Two

Keep the heat there for a few minutes, turn it off, and use a scraper on the softened glue. A wide putty knife will also do the job of a hand scraper if available. The same is true of a utility knife or any blade if you do not have a putty knife.

Step Three

You can heat and scrape as you go, as this is an efficient method of removing such adhesive materials from any flooring type. The heat will make the glue gooey, making it easy to scrape off. 

A steamer may be the best option because the combination of steam and heat will soften the glue faster than using any other heat source.

Method 4: Use an Adhesive Remover

If you want to do a thorough job of removing linoleum glue from the floor, it may be best to use chemicals. In other words, an adhesive remover may be your best bet. Although it may cost you money when the other methods will not, it is efficient, safe, and saves time. 

Besides, this chemical stripper is not expensive and does not involve a backbreaking effort to use as long as you follow the specific instructions for the application. Most contractors will use this method to remove glue from hard floors to save time and get the best results.

Step One

The first step is to apply the linoleum glue remover to sections of adhesive spots. Ensure you cover every spot covered with the glue and allow it to soak into the material. This may take some time, sometimes up to thirty to forty-five minutes. Complete absorption is crucial.

Step Two

Next, check the glue to see how soft it has become after this time. If you believe you have left it long enough, use a scraper to lift the glue off the floor. It should come off easily because it is no longer stubbornly sticking to the floor. You can cover a large portion within a short period using this method.

Step Three

Sometimes, the first attempt does not give you the result you want. It may also be that you did not use enough remover on the glue. So, removing it is still difficult; in such a case, apply the remover again and be generous this time. 

Give it another thirty minutes for complete absorption before removing the soft glue. Repeat the process as many times as necessary until the concrete floor is thoroughly clean. 

Note that this adhesive remover usually has an extremely strong smell. Therefore, use a mask and wear gloves and goggles to avoid inhaling the fumes or getting the substance on your hands and eyes. Alternatively, use more natural methods as explained in this article.

Clean the Concrete Floor

Clean the Concrete Floor

After completely removing linoleum glue from the concrete floor, the next step is to clean it. Sometimes, you may have to use all the methods, especially if you have a large area to cover or the glue is particularly stubborn. And if you use water, it will make the floor messy.

Therefore, cleaning up after getting rid of the linoleum and glue is crucial. It will also help to remove grime. debris, and dirt from the area. You will need:

  • Hot or warm water
  • Cleaning detergent
  • A brush
  • Sponge or rag
  • Sander (optional)
  • A fan for drying the floor

You must inspect the floor to see if there are rough areas you did not cover. Use the sander to remove those rough spots until the concrete subfloor is smooth enough for new flooring. Concrete floors can take sanding so no need to worry. 

Now, add detergent to the container of hot or warm water and mix it in to make soapy water. Next, dip the brush into it and scrub the floor. Scrub as thoroughly as possible to remove sticky stains. 

Once done, get another container filled with cold water and use a sponge or rag to rinse the soap from the area. Inspect it afterward and repeat the process if the floor is not clean enough.


Removing linoleum glue from concrete can be difficult but only if you do not know what to do. Fortunately, there are easy removal methods, and we have explained them in this article. You can use hot water or scrape the glue directly off the floor. 

You also have the option of using a heat source, such as a steamer or heat gun. Finally, an adhesive remover does the best job, although it usually has a powerful smell. Protect yourself if you choose to use this chemical for glue removal.

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